Friday, November 2, 2007

Illustration Friday: Trick...

Thought I'd challenge myself to go a bit darker for this week's IF prompt (Trick or Treat). So I chose a couple of characters from Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, a former school project I'm revamping a little. This is Croup – he's a hired assassin, described as being fox (with sharp teeth, of course). Early on in the book Croup sacrifices another character in the book, and compares him to the canaries they used to send down mines. The canary comes to an unfortunate end. Croup's partner in crime, Vandemar, is the nastier of the two, and is yet to come. I don't think he's really a treat, but hopefully he'll be fun to draw too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so cool...! It's been a while since I read 'Neverwhere' but I vaguely remember Croup and Vandemar. I love the sinister look on Croup's face. He looks as if he's been possessed by evil madness. I like your darker side Laura. I can't wait to see Vandemar!